Spoken English

English has become an extremely important language in the global context. Knowing when, where , and what to speak with utmost fluency can help you in ways you might not have even imagined.

Why take Spoken English Classes?
  • Since English is the second most spoken language worldwide, it is vital that you be good at it.
  • The main objective of this course is to help you become more effective with your communication.
  • At Tej, we ensure that each student takes their own time in finding their rhythm with the language and become better at it with each passing day.
What will you learn from this course?
  • You will speak fluent English by the end of it.
  • You will be able to increase your Vocabulary.
  • You will become better with your grammar.
  • You will also become more effective with your pronunciation and overall fluency.
  • There will be an overall positive change in your body language and personality after completion of this course.

Sign up today for a free demo lecture and get a taste of what its like to learn from the best faculties.