Do you know if senior or middle management can easily get a Canada PR visa?

  • Canadian businesses recruited more senior and middle managers, administrative staff and other professionals through the Express Entry system last year than they did before the pandemic.

In the National Occupational Classification (NOC) system, these occupations come with the following codes:

(NOC) 00011Senior government managers and officials
(NOC) 00012Senior managers  financial, communications and other business services
(NOC) 00013Senior managers  health, education, social and community services and membership organizations
(NOC) 00014Senior managers  trade, broadcasting and other services
(NOC) 00015Senior managers  construction, transportation, production and utilities
(NOC) 10010Financial managers
(NOC) 10011Human resources managers
(NOC) 10012Purchasing managers
(NOC) 10019Other administrative services managers
(NOC) 10020Insurance, real estate and financial brokerage managers
(NOC) 10021Banking, credit and other investment managers
(NOC) 10022Advertising, marketing and public relations managers
(NOC) 10029Other business services managers
(NOC) 10030Telecommunication carriers managers
(NOC) 11100Financial auditors and accountants
(NOC) 11101Financial and investment analysts
 (NOC) 11102Financial advisors
(NOC) 11109Other financial officers
  (NOC) 11200Human resources professionals
 (NOC) 11201Professional occupations in business management consulting
 (NOC) 12010Supervisors, general office and administrative support workers
 (NOC) 12012Supervisors, library, correspondence and related information workers
 (NOC) 12013Supervisors, supply chain, tracking and scheduling coordination occupations
 (NOC) 13100Administrative officers
 (NOC) 13101Property administrators
 (NOC) 13110Administrative assistants
 (NOC) 13111Legal administrative assistants
 (NOC) 14100General office support workers
 (NOC) 20010Engineering managers
 (NOC) 30010Managers in health care
 (NOC) 40010Government Managers – health and social policy development and program administration
 (NOC) 40011Government Managers -economic analysis, policy development and program administration-
 (NOC) 40012Government Managers – education policy development and program administration
 (NOC) 40019Other Managers in public administration
 (NOC) 40020Administrators –  post-secondary education and vocational training
 (NOC) 40030Managers in social, community and correctional services
 (NOC) 60010Corporate Sales Managers
 (NOC) 60020Retail and wholesale trade managers
 (NOC) 60030Restaurant and food service managers
 (NOC) 60031Accommodation service managers
 (NOC) 60040Managers in customer and personal services
 (NOC) 70010Construction managers
 (NOC) 70020Managers in transportation
 (NOC) 70021Postal and courier services managers
 (NOC) 80010Managers in natural resources production and fishing
 (NOC) 80020Managers in Agriculture
 (NOC) 80021Managers in Horticulture
 (NOC) 80022Managers in Aquaculture
 (NOC) 90010Manufacturing Managers
 (NOC) 90011Utilities Managers

In its 15 Top Jobs for 2023 list

  • Randstad Canada mentions four management or administrative function-related jobs that the human resources leader forecasts will be in high demand this year:
  • Human resources manager
  • Accounting technician or bookkeeper
  • Administrative assistant
  • Construction project manager.
  • In its 2023-2025 Immigration Levels Plan, Ottawa has set the target for 2023 at 465,000 new permanent residents. The country is to welcome 485,000 new permanent residents in 2024 and another 500,000 in 2025.
  • That’s a total of 1.45 million immigrants to Canada over the coming three years.

Express Entry Program

  • Express Entry is one of the most popular Canada Immigration pathways for permanent residency.  The three federal economic programs that Express Entry operates are given below –
  • Federal Skilled Worker Program
  • Federal Skilled Trades Program
  • Canadian Experience Class

Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)

  • The Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) invites skilled foreign individuals to Canada to make up for the labor shortage in the country.
  • Candidates can apply to migrate to different provinces under the PNP. Some of the top provinces to migrate to via PNP are given below –
  • Alberta PNP
  • British Columbia PNP
  • Manitoba PNP
  • Ontario PNP
  • Prince Edward Island PNP
  • Saskatchewan PNP
  • Nova Scotia PNP

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