Finland Wants 15000 International Students And 30000 Workers A Year By 2030

- Finland is one of the destinations people choose for study and work. Finland prides itself on being a safe and inclusive country that values diversity, with a strong social welfare system and a vibrant cultural scene.
- Finland is a famous option for students looking for fantastic education in a multicultural environment due to its excellent universities and high-quality education system.
Finland Wants 15000 International Students and 30000 Workers A Year By 2030
- By 2030, Finland seeks to attract 15,000 students from around the world and wants to increase work-based migration to 30,000 individuals per year.
- The Director of Immigration Affairs, Helsinki, Glenn Gassed, told TOI in an interview that the whole community is aging; therefore, the country requires more young individuals to join the labor market.
- He added that we see India as one of our main focus countries and like to intensify our partnership. India has a growing young population and also has many untapped talents. Finland has a fantastic experience with Indian researchers, students, professionals, and entrepreneurs.
- There is a thriving Indian business community throughout Finland, and new Indian arrivals have shown a unique ability to integrate quickly and achieve great success.
- Gassen said there are a lot of positions now open for people across various sectors, including healthcare, and elderly care is on the lookout for employees. Similarly, many manufacturing industries also hope to get foreign skilled labor workers.
- Finland attracts top talents from around the globe to its knowledge-intensive industries- mainly from the UK and the US.
- In Finland, numerous high-tech companies deal with new-age, future technologies such as cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, space exploration, healthcare, creative industries, biotechnology, and materials.
- Specific industries in Finland now face a shortage of employees, including the data and IT sector, early education, and administrative support. In addition, the nursing and STEM fields – particularly those related to sustainable development and the environment – are experiencing a lack of skilled employees in specific areas of the job market.
- Gassen said that to compete at the global level, all of these companies require the best talent of workers from around the world. These growth drivers offer numerous current employment options for people because Finland is one of the most well-recognized for its advanced innovation landscape.
- Because of all these reasons, Finland wants to attract around 15000 international students and around 30000 workers a year by 2030.
- All the Students and people can check the Helsinki Exposed portal to get job details in the healthcare sectors, IT companies, and other sectors.