Melbourne releases guidelines to support international student talent under new strategy

  • Melbourne has released a new framework for international students to recognise the role of international education sector in Melbourne’s economic development. It plans to facilitate foreign investment by leveraging diaspora and alumni communities, including international students in Melbourne.

Melbourne Releases Policies to Help International Student Talent under New Strategy

  • According to the framework, it plans on nurturing international student talent, entrepreneurship and leadership skills as well as improving pathways to employment and establishing life-long relationships with graduates and alumni. The city has yet to provide details of what this entails.
  • Earlier this year, Melbourne ran an Open Innovation Competition among innovators and entrepreneurs focused on creating an inclusive city for students and alumni. All the winners were international student alumni and their solutions focused on employment for international students.
  • The strategy also commits to supporting the international education sector through “advocacy, student welcomes and assisting with employability”, as well as facilitating more student exchanges.
  • Home to around 170,000 international students, the campaign will focus on promoting Melbourne as one of the most multicultural city in the world. This is being done to attract more tourists, students and investors.
  • The education and innovation portfolio lead, and the councillor of Melbourne, Davydd Griffiths, said that we brought the population back to 92% of international students of pre-pandemic levels through messaging and support initiatives or strong advocacy.
  • The future campaigns will concentrate on the diversity of the city, positioning Melbourne as a modern, multicultural, and welcoming city. Now, 55% of the residents of the city were born overseas, and around 71% own at least one overseas-born parent. 
  • According to Pie News, the administrative director of international at RMIT University, Layton Pike, who contributed to the new strategy of Melbourne, said that the plan would help attract most international candidates to Melbourne. 
  • Layton Pike said that RMIT University is anticipating and seeing a further steady return in the international candidates to Melbourne. Reaching pre-pandemic levels may take some time, but applications align with our projections. 
  • All the cities partner overseas and aim to make additional visibility, knowledge and relationship with those cities so that only would continue to support our actions. Pike also mentioned that it was essential to reflect Melbourne’s diversity.
  • The framework said that the plan is to show Melbourne as an economic hub for the Asia-Pacific province and to continue engagement with critical Asian markets, like China, Melbourne’s most significant source of international tourists and students. Other essential countries like Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, and India.

So, it is all about Melbourne Releases Policies to Help International Student Talent under New Strategy.

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