New Australian MATES Visa for Indian Graduates and Professionals

  • The Australian Government announced that in mid-2024 Australia will begin accepting visa applications from Indian graduates and early stage professionals as part of the new Mobility Arrangement for Talented Early Professionals Scheme (MATES). This new visa scheme is aimed at addressing skills shortages in Australia in selected industries through inviting early career Indian professionals to live and work in Australia as holders of this visa.
  • The MATES visa program forms part of the ground breaking Migration and Mobility Partnership Arrangement (MMPA) between India and Australia which was signed by both governments in 2023. The MMPA reflects the deepening bilateral relationship and aim to foster increased economic collaboration and talent exchange between the two countries.
  • The MATES visa scheme will entitle eligible Indian nationals to a multiple entry Australian work visa for a period of up to two years and there will be no requirement for sponsorship by an Australian employer.

The following is a list of occupations that qualify for the Talented Early-Professionals Mobility Arrangement Scheme:

  1. Engineering,
  2. Mining industry,
  3. Renewable energy,
  4. Artificial intelligence,
  5. Finance,
  6. Agriculture,
  7. Information and Communication Technology

Remember: This is a transitory visa and has nothing to do with Australia’s long-term immigration strategy.

  1. Available Places
  • The Australian Government is set to introduce the MATES program in mid-2024 with initially opening 3,000 places to eligible Indian nationals.
  • This will be part of a pilot program which will be monitored by the Australian Government and if successful, additional places will be provided to eligible applicants.
  • Qualifications for the Australian MATES Visa
  • It’s critical to learn about the prerequisites for an Australian MATES visa, which include age, educational background, employment situation, and language ability. For a better understanding, let’s have a detailed conversation about them.
  • Age: You must be under 31 years old to be eligible for an Australian MATES visa. This range of ages reflects the commitment of the MATES program to developing young talent.
  • Recent Graduation: It is crucial to remember that candidates must have graduated from an accredited Indian university with a good reputation.
  • Qualifications: In order to be considered for a position, candidates must have work experience in a field that is relevant to their degree.
  • No Previous Involvement: Prior participation in this program is not permitted in order to maximize the number of individuals who benefit from MATES.
  • Career Status: In order to apply for an Australian MATES visa, individuals must be in the early phases of their professional careers.
  • English Language Proficiency: To apply for an Australian MATES visa, you must be proficient in English. Applicants must achieve at least 6.0 on the IELTS, with no band receiving less than five points.

Now that you have a better understanding of the prerequisites for an Australian MATES visa, let’s proceed to the actual application process.

  • How to Apply for an Australian MATES Visa
  • You must carefully follow a set of processes in order to apply for a visa under the Mobility Arrangement for Talented Early-professionals Scheme (MATES). Comprehending these procedures is vital in order to obtain your ticket in Australia.

These actions consist of;

  1. Review your eligibility requirements
  2. Obtain a skills assessment
  3. Send in a statement of interest
  4. Receive an application invitation
  5. Complete the application form

Let’s talk about each one separately;

1. Review Your Eligibility Requirements

Verifying your eligibility before submitting an application for this visa is crucial. You are aware of the prerequisites by this point if you want to apply for an Australian METAS visa. Verify your qualifying requirements before moving on to the following phase.

2. Obtain a Skills Assessment

The most delicate and important phase of the Australian visa application procedure is the skills assessment. So, in order to achieve a good result, you need to be aware of its criteria and requirements. Your talents are evaluated based on your relevant job experience and educational background.

Here’s some information for you: You must be aware that the Department of Home Affairs enforces strict policies and upholds high standards for immigration in order to protect the welfare of the Australian people. One method used to evaluate a candidate’s abilities and suitability for their chosen profession is the skills evaluation.

3. Send in your Interest Expression (EOI)

It’s time to show your interest now, and in order to do so, you must register on a specific site. Put your commitment to taking part in the MATES program into action by registering your Expression of Interest (EOI).

4. Receive an Application Invitation

 Following a comprehensive examination, the Department will provide an invitation to you to submit a visa application for the MATES program.

Remember that waiting for your invitation to apply and responding as soon as you receive it are crucial in this situation.

5. Complete the Application.

Garther the supporting documentation and evidence you’ll need for your application. Correctly complete the application form and affix the necessary documents to it. Recall that presenting false documentation or inaccurate information may result in the revocation or rejection of a visa for entry into Australia.

  • What advantages does Australia’s MATES Visa offer?

When compared to alternative visa alternatives, an Australian MATES visa provides many advantages for Indian graduates. Examine the benefits of obtaining an Australian MATES visa.

1. Duration

Candidates can live and work in Australia for two years with the Australian MATES visa. Candidates holding a valid MATES visa during this term are free to enter and exit Australia.

2. The annual visa cap

The goal of the Australian MATES visa is to issue 3000 temporary visas annually to skilled and young professionals.

  • Better exposure at work 

Professionals with a MATES Visa can gain valuable foreign work experience while visiting Australia.

4. Extension of Visa

You can apply for a different visa that will let you stay in Australia either permanently or temporarily if you want to extend your visa while you’re there. Recall that you can only submit one application for a MATES visa to Australia.

5. Including Family Members

You are allowed to bring your dependents, including your spouse and dependent children. These dependents are eligible to work in Australia and will not be subject to the annual cap. This action is critical to maintaining harmony and togetherness within the family.

  • Sponsorship Requirement

Candidates do not require employer sponsorship in order to relocate to Australia for work purposes if they hold an Australian MATES visa. This takes away a significant barrier to overseas opportunities, enabling young professionals to visit Australia without restriction and widen their horizons.

  • Significant Update

The exact launch date of MATES is still pending because an Implementation Protocol is still being developed. The Implementation Protocol, which will preserve the integrity of the Scheme and ensure diversity, fairness, and equal access for all candidates, will contain the program’s procedures.

  • The Cost of a MATES visa for Australia

The cost of obtaining an Australian MATES visa is still pending. More information about the visa subclass and associated application fees should be available shortly. However, there can be further fees if more dependent family members are added to the MATES visa application. Additionally, applicants will be responsible for paying any additional application-related fees, such as the price of an English language test.

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